A couple of days ago, I won four tickets to see Zootopia on Saturday in Dolby Cinema at AMC Prime. There is one AMC theater in Arizona that has this feature and it’s in the Phoenix area. We’ve been looking forward to seeing Zootopia for quite some time now. I’ve previously written about how we are Disney Visa card members and as such receive special offers and discounts. Because of that, my son was able to participate in a special event at the Disney Store a couple of weekends ago, where he was able to earn his badge 😊 He also had his picture taken with Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde on the big screen behind him! One of the things I loved this about this event is that the children were introduced to many of the main characters - and the type of animals they are. As a mom of a young child, this is so important for many reasons. And one of the reasons why I love Disney in general. Not only is it educational but also part of the process involved in preparing my son for the movie and what he can expect to see. Here he is, at the event, after he earned his badge.
And here is on the way to the movie, with his Nick Wilde hat and Zootopia book:
So back to the movie itself. It was fantastic. And the fact that we saw it in Dolby Cinema at AMC Prime greatly added to the experience. The sound quality was excellent, the images on the screen were extremely crisp, and the recliners (yes, recliners!) pulsated along with the action on the screen.
The two main characters are Judy Hopps (a rabbit) and Nick Wilde (a fox). I love that Judy is a strong female character! The movie begins with Judy as a young rabbit, wanting to become a police officer. She faces resistance from her parents and the rest of society for different reasons. She works hard, though, and becomes the first rabbit to be a police officer. To her dismay and to her parents delight, her first assignment is as a meter maid, where she meets Nick Wilde for the first time. Through a series of event, she’s given an opportunity to solve a mystery. You see, several mammals have mysteriously disappeared. And Judy is trying to find out more about the disappearance of an otter with the help of Nick.
The message of the movie was simple, yet powerful. I don’t want to ruin the plot but my favorite quote from the movie “Life’s a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal we are, change starts with you.”
A great message for everyone, including children. And as for my son, he loved the movie too! His favorite character? Nick Wilde. And he doesn’t know this yet, but as one of his Easter gifts, he’ll be getting a carrot recorder that is used in key parts throughout the movie:
And finally, the movie plays a song by Shakira called “Try Everything.” It’s so catchy that I found myself downloading it from iTunes as soon as the movie was over.