A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a party planning cookbook that a friend recently gave me which contains several easy recipes. I tried making Easter cupcakes first and I was very pleased with how they turned out, so I decided to make another dessert featured in the cookbook: cubcakes. Like the Easter cupcakes, the cubcakes were extremely easy to make. I’m terrible at baking cookies and I’ve finally come to the realization that I should probably just stick with cupcakes!
Here’s a “before” picture with all the ingredients I used: cake mix for the cupcakes, frosting, junior mints, and York peppermint patties. Seriously, that’s it.
After I baked the cupcakes and let them cool down, I frosted them with vanilla frosting and then placed three junior mints and a York peppermint pattie on each cupcake for the pawprint.
My son couldn’t wait to try one, and told me that it was yummy 😊 So I’m taking that as a win!
In the meantime, we also decided to make Easter pudding using a kit that I bought at Walmart.
The kit came with everything we needed, with the exception of the eggs, milk, and butter. I liked that the kit had instructions for both adults and children so that my son was able to help. My only complaint is that, while the pudding was easy and fun to make, it can be a time consuming process since it basically comes in two parts. First, the pudding mix has to be refrigerated for two hours and then the chocolate cake mix has to be made and then cooled down.
Here’s my son putting the crumbled cake in the cups.
Then adding the candy eggs in each cup….
And last but not least, pouring the pudding into the cups to make it look like grass.
Here’s the final product:
Until next time……
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